Thursday, February 07, 2008

Wednesday: Garbage Gratin

This was definitely a "use up random vegetables from the fridge" dish.

I diced a couple parsnips, half a celery root, some of the mysterious root from last week's biokiste (maybe a giant, older kohlrabi?), some carrot, a couple onions, sun-dried tomatoes[1], some sliced cabbage, and some garlic. I tossed the vegetables with salt, pepper, dill, marjoram, and savory and put them in a olive-oiled pan. I made a sauce by mixing together some sour cream, chicken stock, and eggs and poured this over the top. After baking for a while (~20 minutes) I topped with buttered bread crumbs and then baked until they were crisp and the vegetables were done (additional 30 minutes).

To go with the gratin we had a bit of leftover lamb, some sauerkraut, and some of sauerruben.

Quite nice food.

[1] Ok, that's a bit of revisionist history. I thought of the tomatoes after reading this week's Minimalist column and stirred them into the pan after it had been cooking for a while... no harm done.

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