Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Gack! Busy!

Andrea's defense was yesterday, so things have been super hectic. Some catching up:

  1. Saturday dinner: Hamburgers on the grill (1 lb beef, 1/2 lb lamb, garlic, onion) with salad and sauteed broccoli rabe.[CSA] Putting a bit of lamb in the meat mixture is great.
  2. Sunday dinner: Grill roasted/smoked beef brisket (from our cow) with bourbon (actually rye)/onion sauce; asparagus sauteed with shallots; green salad. I brined the brisket overnight with salt, sugar, bay leaf, allspice, and black pepper; coated it with a rub of crushed coriander, and white and black pepper; smoked it with hickory chips; and basted with a mixture of beer and cider vinegar. The results were very, very nice.
  3. I'll post the list of stuff I made for the defense party next.

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