Sunday, September 10, 2006

Saturday Noodle Salad

This was inspired by last week's "Weeknight Kitchen" recipe (30 seconds of looking didn't yield a useful URL) from Lynne Rossetto Kasper.
I used roasted chicken from the Coop, rice noodles (vermicelli), fresh mint and 'tro, shredded carrots (salted for a bit and then drained), sliced cucumber, lettuce, and minced onion and made a dressing from rice vinegar, fish sauce, soy sauce, sriracacha, sugar, black pepper, and peanut oil.

Good food. Way too much good food; I'm gonna be eating this for days (particularly since Andrea is going to be out of town).

I haven't previously done the "buy a roasted chicken and use it for quick dishes" for many reasons, but this was mighty convenient and the chicken was awfully good...

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