Monday, April 10, 2006

Saturday Night: Healthy vegetables... and rice pudding!

For dinner on Saturday we started with a bowl of green garlic soup. The main course was baked vegetables: I baked broccoli[CSA], onions, and potatoes (sprinkled with salt, pepper, ground coriander and cumin, and sweet paprika) at 300 for about an hour, until the potatoes were cooked. As a sauce I made an improv tomato vinaigrette (canned tomato with a bit of juice, lemon juice, sherry vinegar, garlic, chives, sugar, salt, pepper, sweet paprika, cayenne, olive oil). Of course we had a green salad with that.

As dessert I made a batch of rice pudding following the arroz con leche recipe from Latin American Table. That was good stuff when we ate it warm, just after it finished cooking. It was even better after resting for a night.

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