Friday, August 19, 2005

Thursday night stirfy

We got a bunch of bok choy in the CSA box, so a stirfry was pretty much mandatory. For the veggies we used bok choy, red pepper, onion, mushroom, cilantro, and garlic. We also added a bit of chopped shrimp. The sauce was more or less equal quantities of hoisin, oyster sauce, black beans, ketchup, and chicken stock. Just before serving I stirred in some freshly ground Szechwan peppercorns and chopped cilantro.

The range in our new apartment can definitely pump out more heat than the old one, which is excellent for stirfrys. Lucky for us that we can close the door to the kitchen -- things did get a bit smoky. :-)

The sauce worked out well, these ingredients and proportions are a good set; it helps that I didn't oversauce the thing (maybe 1 Tbs of each component). I think I added a bit too much Szechwan peppercorn, because my mouth was tingly for a few minutes after eating. But that's not such a terrible thing.

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