Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Melange de viande haché au poireau et épinard

Last week's double veggie box included a giant bag of spinach. This dish immediately popped into my mind, so when we got back from our long weekend, it's what I made.

1 large leek, cut into rings. (original recipe uses an onion)
2 cloves garlic, chopped.
olive oil
500g ground beef (I used a mixture of beef, veal, and pork)
250g fresh spinach, stems removed, steamed until tender, and chopped.
4 eggs, beaten
salt and pepper

Saute the leek and garlic in some olive oil until the leak softens. Add the ground meat, sprinkle liberally with salt, and saute until it's cooked through. Stir in the spinach and a grind of black pepper and check the salt. Stir in the egg and cook until the egg is set.

For a more pleasing presentation, I plated it using a ring:Gourmet! If we'd bothered to wipe the plates and add a bit of color (curled carrot?), this really would have looked fancy!

We also had a green salad and some rice/wild rice.

Wine: Chateau Musar 2003 Cuvee Rouge

This whole thing is, of course, a piss take. This is Joe's Special. I made some changes to the original recipe (from San Francisco a la Carte) based on the contents of the box (e.g. leeks instead of onions).

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