Friday, October 12, 2007

Thursday Vegetables

I picked up a copy of the October Le Menu on Wednesday and the first four or five recipes all sounded really good. They will no doubt be making an appearance here soon.

I started with winter-squash pancakes (Kürbis-Tätschli). The recipe includes an apple compote, but I didn't do that part last night. The pancakes themselves are made from cooked pureed squash [biokiste] (recipe calls for it to be steamed, I let it slowly cook in a pan with some butter) that is mixed with egg and flour and seasoned with salt, pepper, and nutmeg. These things are nice and it's easy to imagine other games one can play with them. Though it's not like we ever have a problem finding a good use for winter squash.

The second dish was steamed green beans [biokiste] topped with bacon cubes and a cheese sauce (Tilsiter).

Since I had the steamer going, I also cut a carrot and some daikon [both biokiste] into matchsticks and steamed that mixture as well. The cheese sauce went over these vegetables too.

I do enjoy those steamed vegetables!

We also had a big green salad.

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