Thursday, November 22, 2007

Wednesday's mixed bits

This started with the butternut squash remaining from last week's biokiste. After a bit of looking through cookbooks, I decided to go with a recipe from CPV for a puree of squash (delicata in the recipe), celery root, and potatoes. All vegetables were from the biokiste. I pretty much followed the recipe here aside from using milk instead of cream and steeping the garlic cloves in the milk instead of baking them with the squash. I ended up adding a bit too much liquid so the final consistency was more like polenta than mashed potatoes, but it didn't make any difference at all... this stuff is fantastic.

For a main dish, I did braised beef chunks:
Season some beef chunks (400g) and brown them well in olive oil. Add a couple diced onions, a diced carrot, a stalk of celery (also diced), and a coarsely chopped clove of garlic. Cook until the vegetables brown a bit and start to soften. Deglaze with some dry vermouth and add some chicken stock and a stalk of thyme. Cover and simmer until the beef is fork tender. If necessary, thicken with some potato starch before serving.

We also had a big green salad.

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